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We're here to answer your questions
We're here to answer your questions


Following is a summarized list of the services that we provide to local governmental entities:
Financial audits in accordance with Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book)
Single audits in accordance with 2 CFR 200 and program specific audits
Preparation of State of Michigan Form F-65 and Act 51 reports
OPEB valuations using the alternative measurement method (GASB 45)
Financial statement preparation to avoid SAS 112 significant deficiency comments
Controller-by-the-hour services
Assistance with financial data schedules and submission through REAC
Cities, Townships, Villages, and Counties
County Road Commissions
Public Housing Agencies - Housing Commissions
Parks and Recreation Authorities
Local Area Fire Boards

Smith & Klaczkiewicz, PC provides the following non-profit organizations:
Financial audits in accordance with Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book)
Single audits in accordance with 2 CFR 200
Preparation of IRS Form 990
Examinations in accordance with attestation standards
audit and accounting, consulting firm, business consulting